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My Sister The Serial Killer: Talk With The Author

Application Closes
14 Jun 20
2.00 PM
Join us for a conversation from Lagos with the Nigerian writer Oyinkan Braithwaite, about her recent book My Sister, The Serial Killer -- a short, quirky, wholly original novel. "The fates of two women in Lagos, Nigeria. One sister is a nurse, the other a murder who has killed her boyfriends. But together they are allies in a deeply antifeminist culture." -- New York Times "... a playful yet affecting examination of sibling rivalry, the legacy of abuse and the shallow sexism of Nigeria’s patriarchal society." -- Washington Post Nominated for the 2019 Booker Prize. Oyinkan will also discuss the literary scene in Lagos. Oyinkan Braithwaite is a graduate of Kingston University in London in Creative Writing and Law. Following her degree, she worked as an assistant editor at Kachifo Limited, a Nigerian publishing house. She now works as a freelance writer and editor. She lives in Lagos.
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